Greed Page 3
“It’s new. Just a fling type thing, very short term, but yes,” Suddenly overcome with feelings close to bashful, Linc attempted to demure, “she is special. So be a pal and get out of my way so I can go enjoy her.”
“Far be it for me to get in the way.” Clayton dramatically got to his feet and motioned for Linc to leave. “But ask her if she’s got a sister for me buddy.”
Having started swimming well before she could walk Tiffany often felt she was better suited to the water than land. But while she had swum, rowed and sailed she had never been out like this. When Linc arrived home he had two stand up paddle boards on his jeep and preceded to get them both in the water, and with a minimum of instruction had her follow him into the open water. Within minutes they could barely see the shore.
“It’s so quiet out here.” Taking a break tiffany lay on her beard, letting every inch of her exposed skin catch the light as her bikini covered only the essentials, Linc stayed standing so she turned to look at him as the sun hurt her eyes. “You look like a god of something, standing there so firm and noble like. Poseidon or something.”
“A god. I can handle being godlike.” With a lightly taken step he moved to her board and tied his up. “You know what that would make you.” He knelt on top of her and leaned on the gently nibble on her ears, then down her neck.
“Umm I don’t know? A sacrifice?” She felt some what sacrificial, laying helpless on a boarding, bobbing in the vastness of the ocean.
“A siren. You pull men of their planned route and drown in the water.” Tiffany was pretty sure she was the drowning one here. Her breathing was getting decidedly harder when Linc’s mouth moved down her chest, carefully pulling the scant fabric that constituted her top aside. With full access he slowly and teasingly moved ion smaller and smaller circles until his tongue and teeth were setting out darting shivers of sensation beginning from her nipples and reverberating through her entire body.
“You know the only thing to do in a situation like this?” Linc looked up suggestively at Tiffany.
“No.” She had not known what to do since she walked in that door, Tiffany thought.
Shivering slightly, she looked up at him with uncertain eyes. “What do we do?”
“Cool off.” And with that Linc rolled over flipping both of them into the surf.
“You jerk!” Laughing Tiffany attempted to dunk Linc but instead found herself captured by his strong arms. “You’d better watch out. I’ll blind you with my siren powers and drag you off to the deep end of the ocean.” Linc boosted her back up on her board.
“I’m not entirely sure that you haven’t already.”
“So I was thinking.”
“At three in the morning? What are you thinking at three in the morning?” Linc was groggy, unsure what the leggy apparition in his bed was saying. He had been having dreams with her as the staring role and being woken mid sexcape was leaving him a little disjointed.
“I was thinking that you are very selfish.” Tiffany stood in the pool of moonlight at the base of his bed and pulled of the thin night shirt she was wearing. Unable to sleep she had spent the last three hours working herself up to this and she wasn’t going to back down now.
“Oh, I see.” Not at all, though Linc but he was more than willing to see where this was leading. In his life he had never seen anything so close to anything called magical; the light seemed to make her skin glow and slide through the curves of her lush body. He knew then that he would remember that sight until the day he died. “I’m very sorry?”
“You should be. You touch me. You touch me in ways that makes my body feel thing I didn’t even know existed,” Tiffany slowly and provocatively began to wind her way the base of his bed, “and you never let me touch you back. It’s rude, that’s what it is.”
“A massive oversight on my behalf. Please accept my fullest apologies.”
“Oh I don’t think that’s going to be enough to satisfy me. I think I’m going to need a little retribution.” Tiffany began to remove the boxers he habitually slept it. Any attempt to talk immediately ended when she took him, all of him, into her mouth. Linc thought for a minute he had forgotten how to breath as well but after a large shuddering gasp he managed to get some air into his lungs.
Tiffany, maintaining eye contact while she slowly traced the tip of his cock with her tongue used her hands to gently fondle his balls. “I realize your style is all about the teasing, the process. Thing is I’m much more direct,” pausing to again lick the length of him with her mouth, slowly tasting every inch of him, “more results driven. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I’ve always said there is room for many different styles in every company.” Her hands on his balls was making it hard not to explode in her face. “I think different approached can really…compliment each other. Oh god.” His eyes crossed when her tongue circled the underside of his cock.
It wasn’t the wine at dinner that was making Tiffany heady; the power of being in control of this man was the most intoxicating thing she’d ever experienced. Every time she saw his muscles quiver she went a little slower, took a little more time. As a lover she lacked experience but by focusing the entirety of her attention on Linc she was so in sync that she could have sworn she felt his pleasure with him. And in this state of oneness she focused on keeping him on the edge for as long as possible, torturing him she the utmost pleasure before the release of climax. When she saw his eye go cloudy she new that he was on precipice and, with one last fluid motion of her mouth, sent him over the cliff.
It was a blow job. Not dissimilar to the many he had been lucky to have received in his life. Linc could remember his first one (lovely Lucy in the back of his first car) but in the preceding decade they had blurred into one jumble of pleasurable activity. So he wasn’t sure why what had happened with Tiffany last night had shaken him so deeply.
He put his suit on and looked over at Tiff, still sleeping in his bed, with her long legs half off the mattress. He took the minute to reposition her and pulled the blanket over hew. Feeling silly he took a minute just to watch her, wondering what was going on in that fascinating brain of hers right now, what she was dreaming of. And it was just then that he realized that he wasn’t shaken; he was moved. In a week something had happened with this college kid with all the opinions and ideas, this beacon of unpredictability in his perfectly ordered life. He had begun to care.
It took Tiffany a few minutes to right herself when she woke. The grey walls and masculine art informed her that she wasn’t in her room this morning; she rolled over and thought about how she felt about she felt about this. Smug, she decided. And a little wanton. In general, pretty pleased with herself. Decided she would start the day with a long indulgent soak she pulled on a robe and made way to the kitchen. There she found a breakfast plate (assorted cheeses today, with fruit and crackers) and note invited her out for dinner, for their week anniversary.
When her phone rang she nearly dropped her coffee. She nearly forgot that she had the thing; it seemed unfair to Linc and their arrangement to be attached to the outside world while she was here so she had but it in her suitcase and promptly forgotten it.
“Are you alive? Are you chained up? Can you answer? Tell me the ‘crow flies at noon’ if you’re in danger” The worried voice of her roommate made Tiff grin. In the bubble of Linc’s house her old life had become distant to her, like a fuzzy memory.
“I’m fine. Not chained up. Can totally answer. No flying crows.” She took the phone and her coffee over to the washroom and began to ready the bath.
“Well tell me what they hell’s going on. I’m dying of curiosity over here. Is it lame? Are you bored? Is it helping an old man figure out how to put up a Facebook profile?”
“Not lane. Not in the slightest. And I doubt that Linc would need my help what anything on social media. He actually doesn’t seem that much older.” She took off her
robe and sunk into the water as she talked. “I mean he’s more mature then anybody I’ve every bet, and he knows things about everything it seems, but he’s also fun and funny and, well sweet.”
“Sweet, Tiff? Men that pick people out of websites don’t usually end up being sweet. I mean this is a transaction Tiff, not a vacation.”
“I know, I do. But there’s no rule that it can’t be a transaction and I can’t have fun. He’s taking me out tonight. For our week anniversary.”
“That’s great Tiff, really.” Jo had that sound in her voice that she got when she was trying not to say what she was thinking, “Just be careful Tiff okay? Don’t get too attached to this guy. It’s only for one more week, you know?”
“I know that Jo, of course I know that.” She hung up the phone and placed in on the floor. Suddenly the bath felt much colder.
Driving to the restaurant Linc tried not to think about how this was the first, and likely only time he and Tiffany would ever go on a proper date. Even doing this was foolish; while it wasn’t likely for anyone to recognize him if they did he’d be hearing jokes about Tiff’s age forever. But he found he didn’t care. He wanted to go out with her, have dinner and walk along the boardwalk. Maybe get ice cream.
Linc realized that for one night he wanted to make believe that he and Tiff were a normal couple. Funny, as he had always gone to some lengths to disabuse the ladies he typically dates of that notion.
In her flirty yellow summer dress Tiffany looked exactly like what she was, a fresh and beautiful young women excited to be out on the town. They had been seated immediately in a corner table by a very charming waiter. Tiffany remained oblivious to the stares from some of the customers, looks of envy from some men, reproach from the women. Linc however did not. He however resolved not to let it affect the night.
“What are you ordering? Everything here looks so amazing I can’t decide.”
Tiffany had never been in such a gorgeous room. The linens were crisp, the flowers fresh and the table they say on overlooked the ocean. It had quickly become her new favorite restaurant and she resolved to save enough money so that they could come back. Although, looking at the prices, it may be a decade or so.
“Pick two entrées, I’ll eat what you don’t want. There isn’t anything on the menu here that I don’t love.” He grinned when she went back to studying the menu with the intensity that most people reserved for religious texts and contract. That what he loved abut her, everything she did she did all the way.
Not that he loved her. Liked her, yes. Enjoyed her tremendously and on more then the obvious level. She was an extraordinarily bright girl, extremely well read with a wealth of opinions. Of course he was found of her. He did not love her though. That would be insane, he thought laughing to himself.
Chapter Five:
Tiffany rolled over in the big, comfy bed, her arm moving subconsciously to Linc’s side of the bed. After their delicious dinner the night before, Linc and Tiffany had spent the night enjoying a bottle of wine and talking. Linc had not pushed Tiffany, but the two ended up rolling around in the sheets for the better part of the night. Tiffany touched the cold sheets on the empty side of the bed. In a bit of a panic, Tiffany’s eyes flashed open to find exactly what she thought. The bed was empty, the sheets ruffled, and the covers thrown over her body.
“Linc?” Tiffany called softly, thinking he might be close by. No answer came back to her so Tiffany sat up to look around. She stretched quickly, and rubbed her sleepy eyes. Looking around, Tiffany spotted a slip of paper sitting folded on Linc’s rumpled pillow. Her brows knit together in confusion as she reached over to pick it up. The folded paper had Tiffany’s name scrawled across the top so she opened the slip and began to read.
I’ve got a big day planned for the two of us. I have a set of clothes laid out for you on the bench at the foot of the bed. Shower quickly and come downstairs. Breakfast will be ready for you, along with a few other necessities for our outing. I will be back to pick you up at 9 am. See you soon.
Tiffany glanced over at the alarm clock on the side table. The time was only thirty minutes until Linc’s supposed arrival. Tiffany jumped from the bed, leaving the note spread open on the mussed sheets. She rushed to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and moved to the sink to brush her teeth while the water heated up.
Tiffany stared at her reflection in the mirror, messy hair and all. She rinsed her mouth of the toothpaste, and glanced back up at the mirror. “What am I doing?” she questioned herself aloud. She shook away the doubts, pushing the fear of falling too hard aside. The shower felt amazing on her bare skin as she showered quickly.
Steam still filled the bathroom when Tiffany stepped into the bedroom clad only in her bra and panties. She found the clothes Linc mentioned in the note. They were laid across the bench, just like he said, folded and stacked neatly. Quickly, Tiffany pulled on the khaki shorts and polo shirt. With a smirk, Tiffany began to understand what their outing might consist of.
“Tiffany?” Linc called as he shut the door from the garage.
“In here,” she called from the large kitchen while she placed her dirty plate into the sink. The cleaning lady came behind her, placing the trays of fruit back into the refrigerator.
“Ready to go?” he said with a smile as he took in the sight of her in her outfit. Linc had seen Tiffany in many things, but the conservative look of the outfit was quite striking. She had pulled her blonde hair back in a ponytail, leaving her face fully exposed. Her cheek bones were dominating, but her eyes were the thing that stopped Linc in his tracks. Bright blue, her eyes sparkled as he smiled brightly.
“I’m all set,” Tiffany began. “Except, what shoes do I wear?”
“I have it all taken care of,” he said while moving back toward the door. “Follow me.”
The car ride was quick, and Tiffany looked out the window, keeping quiet the entire trip. She had no idea where the two of them were going. Linc could be taking her anywhere. What was most interesting was the fact that Linc was taking her out in public. First dinner, and now this outing. Tiffany grinned broadly to herself as they pulled into a country club and parked.
“Golfing?” she questioned. With a nod, Linc confirmed her question. “I haven’t been golfing in years. I used to go with my dad when I was younger.”
“What made you stop?” Linc questioned while putting the vehicle in park.
“A lot of things. If you don’t mind, I would rather not talk about it.”
Linc nodded and helped Tiffany get a golf bag specifically for her out of the trunk. Together they moved to the first hole of the golf course, which was completely void of other people.
The sky, cloudy and dark, must have driven away the other golfers for the day. Tiffany kept glancing around at the empty golf course, wondering where everyone was at. Linc, noticing her distraction, stopped mid swing on his first drive of the ninth hole. He laughed and finished his drive.
“What?” Tiffany said while stepping up to take her turn. “Why are you laughing?”
Linc shrugged with a smirk. Tiffany glanced at the taught muscles showing through the thin fabric of his collared shirt. “No no,” he said while stepping up behind Tiffany. “You’re swinging all wrong. Do it like this.” He placed his hands gently on top of hers, gripping them firmly. “Keep your feet and knees soft. Don’t lock out your elbows.” Linc moved closer, pressing his hips against her bottom.
Tiffany felt Linc’s hot breath against her neck, sending shivers down her spine and pumping her blood quickly throughout her body. Linc pressed his lips against Tiffany’s milky white neck, trailing the kisses lower until his lips hit her collar. He released his hands from hers, before reaching to her shirt tail, untucking it from her shorts. Tiffany gasped as Linc slid his hands up her shirt and into her bra. Her nipples began to harden under his touch as waves of pleasure shot through her body.
“Don’t panic,” Linc whispered in her ear, his voice breathy. “I reserved the entire course for the day.” Tiffany felt herself relax in Linc’s arms, turning her body toward him. She dropped her golf club to the ground and let Linc move his hands all over her body. Tiffany, though she wouldn’t normally do this, allowed Linc to lay her down on the grassy golf course. Tiffany gave herself to Linc once again.
“What do you mean she’s younger than you?” Clayton asked with a roaring laugh which almost caused him to spill his beer on the table behind them. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Linc took a big gulp from his whiskey, letting the liquid burn the back of his throat. His day with Tiffany had been amazing, but when Clayton had called wanting to go out, Linc had bid his blonde, short-term friend goodbye for the evening. “She’s a lot younger than me,” he explained. “She’s in college.”
Clayton, clearly intoxicated, laughed it off. “That could be fun, Linc.” He laughed again, finishing the last of the beer in his glass. The waitress walked by, and Clayton yelled for another whiskey for Linc and one for himself.
Linc could feel himself letting go, letting the alcohol consume him and melt the world away. As much as he wanted to keep the image of Tiffany in his mind, their two weeks were coming to an end, and speaking with Clayton about her was making him fall into a depressive state. Linc turned his glass of whiskey up, swallowing the last half of the amber liquid. He needed a distraction to get him through drinks with his friend. All Linc wanted to do was go home to the sexy, beautiful girl in his house. That thought was so rare, that Linc shook his head to focus on Clayton’s bellowing.
“How’d you find this girl?” Clayton questioned as the waitress returned with the two glasses of whiskey. “It sounds too good to be true.”
Linc laughed as the spirits trickled into his belly, giving him a rush. He thought about the question a bit before answering his good friend. Did he really want to tell Clayton everything? “There’s a website,” Linc began to explain. “This website is pretty much for sugar daddies. I found this beautiful girl, and I thought it would just be a random thing for a short time, but now I’m not so sure.”